Loan Me Money
When you’re facing a financial emergency, you’re naturally focused on getting money as fast as possible. If you have credit cards that are not maxed out, the money you need may be as close as the nearest ATM. Other options include friends and family, especially if your needs are modest or you have friends and family of substantial means.
But what if your credit is less than stellar? The question “who will loan me money?” likely leaves you with few options, most of them less than desirable. Credit card advances are almost certainly out of the question. Friends and family may be willing but unable to provide financial assistance. Even if you could afford to wait for a bank loan, your application would almost certainly be declined.
Who will loan me money?
So how do you answer the question “who will loan me money to deal with a financial emergency?” In the past, you might have gathered up Aunt Mildred’s jewels or Uncle Fred’s coin collection and taken a trip to the pawn shop. The advantage with pawn shops is that they lend money with no questions asked. The disadvantage is that you would only receive a fraction of the value of your property. Worse, if you were unable to repay in full within the allotted time – usually 30 to 60 days, you would risk losing your possessions for good. No bueno.
If you don’t have an Aunt Mildred or an Uncle Fred, the answer to the question “who will loan me money?” might unfortunately be a payday lender, either a brick-and-mortar store or an online lender. Payday lenders provide loans with almost no questions asked. Their main concerns are whether you have a regular source of income and a bank account. If the answers to those questions are “yes,” you’re more than likely approved.
But the initial relief you experience is soon replaced with the realization that you’ve been drawn into a trap. Payday lenders offset the easy credit terms for their loans with high interest rates and unrealistically short repayment periods – in many cases as short as a few days. Most borrowers are unable to repay their loans in full when the original repayment date occurs – which triggers a cycle of partial payments and rollovers, each with its own fresh set of interest charges and administrative fees. After a few cycles, many borrowers find that they owe more than the original amount of their loans – despite having made consistent payments!
A better alternative: LoanNow
Fortunately, there is a better alternative – LoanNow. We’re a better-than-a-bank lender ready to help you face your financial challenges. We look past your FICO score to consider your total financial profile – and we say “yes” when many banks say no. Our loans have repayment schedules measured in months, not days or weeks, with manageable monthly payments that fit with your budget. And we say “no” to rollovers; instead, we work with borrowers who are struggling to help get things back on track.
The next time you ask “Who will loan me money?” you’ll have the answer: LoanNow.