Christmas Loans For Bad Credit
Even with all its festivities, the holiday season can be difficult. All the demands on your time and money can be challenging even to consumers with high incomes and excellent FICO scores. The challenge becomes almost impossible if your credit has suffered a few dents. If you attempt to search for Christmas loans for poor credit, you find that your choices are limited. But you may find that LoanNow can provide the money you need during this wonderful time of year.
Bank Loans
Seeking banks that grant Christmas loans for poor credit is often an exercise in frustration. That truism that banks only lend money to people who don’t need it has some basis in fact. Banks usually place strict criteria on who is eligible for loans, with a heavy emphasis on credit reports and FICO scores. Applicants with marginal credit can sometimes be approved if they provide collateral or a credit worthy cosigner, but a bank that actually provides Christmas loans for poor credit is very rare.
Pawn Shops
Pawn shops Christmas loans for poor credit, no questions asked – as long as borrowers are willing to temporarily surrender their personal property as collateral. Not just any items will do, however. Pawn shops heavily favor gold and diamond jewelry as well as high end electronic gadgets. Pawn shop loans also cover only about 25 percent of the value of the property offered as collateral. Loans must be repaid in full, with interest, or the property offered as temporary collateral is forfeited for good.
Payday Loans
For desperate borrowers who cannot obtain credit elsewhere, Christmas loans for poor credit from payday lenders initially seem to be a lifeline allowing them to cover holiday expenses. But borrowers who obtain payday loans soon discover that they are actually a trap. That’s because payday loans combine the triple threat of high interest rates, demand for repayment in full in a single lump sum and repayment periods that can be as short as 10 days. Many borrowers find that they are unable to meet their original repayment dates. That’s when rollovers kick in – partial payments paired with refinanced loans. Borrowers who begin making rollover payments are often dismayed when they realize they are falling behind, with their loans growing larger instead of smaller, despite making regular payments.
Instead of searching for Christmas loans for poor credit, why not check out LoanNow. Our convenient online application system generates responses in minutes, not weeks with approved borrowers receiving their funds as soon as the next business day. † LoanNow also does not require repayment in full. Instead, our loan repayment schedules are structured in manageable monthly installments that work with your budget – with absolutely NO rollovers. We also never demand collateral. If your credit isn’t perfect, we may still be able to approve you because at LoanNow, you are more than your FICO score. Don’t let loan Grinches ruin your holidays. Turn to LoanNow for the cash you need with repayment terms you can live with.