Loans For Utility Bills From LoanNow
For many people, utility bills represent an essential element of the budget. But a heat wave or a cold snap can send utility bills soaring. Or unexpected expenses elsewhere may make it necessary to put utility bills aside. The arrival of a shutoff notice can send even the calmest individuals into a panic. Fortunately LoanNow provides loans for utility bills to keep the lights on and your home comfortable. Check us out for yourself!
Sitting in the Dark
Electricity touches nearly every aspect of your life. You flip the switch, and the lights go on, or your coffeemaker starts perking or the washer starts filling. Watching your favorite shows or surfing the web both require electricity. Ignoring a disconnect notice for your electric bill can literally mean sitting in the dark. Loans for utility bills can keep the lights burning and the coffee perking when your bank account is flat.
Staying Warm, Keeping Cool
Many cities and towns have ordinances that forbid utility companies from shutting off heat or air conditioning when temperatures hit life-threatening extreme levels. Otherwise, failure to pay your heating or cooling bill could leave you chilly or sweating. Loans for utility bills can ensure that you remain toasty when the temperatures drop and cool when the mercury climbs when your funds fall short.
Staying Connected
Millions of individuals have cut the cord on land-line telephones. Instead, their cell phones ARE their phones. Those long-distance minutes and data units represent an essential element to staying connected. High-speed Internet service is also a must for entrepreneurs who work at home or students who receive assignments online. Loans for utility bills cover the costs for those minutes and data units and keep Internet transmissions flowing even when your budget is running on empty.
The LoanNow Advantage
You may never give your utilities much thought – until you face the prospect of having one or more of your essential services shut off for nonpayment. Whether you’re struggling to keep the lights on, worried about your bills for heating or cooling or trying to keep your cell phone and Internet services connected, loans for utility bills can mean the difference between maintaining the services you need or having them be suspended. Even if your credit isn’t perfect, we may be able to approve you. We approve many customers banks turn down. Discover why so many savvy borrowers turn to LoanNow for meeting their financial needs!